The old saying is true: everybody talkin’ bout heaven’s not goin’ there!

Jesus describes the path of righteousness as a narrow way. The crowds will stay on the interstate–the wide path that flows fast and easy. Jesus calls his followers to take the road less traveled. Join us as we continue to study from the Sermon on the Mount about the narrow way that leads to life!

Everybody has heard it, but few of us live. “What would you like people to do for you?” Jesus asked. “Do that for them!”

Join us as Richie, Howard, and Matthew study Matthew 7:7-12 in the Sermon on the Mount. Each week we find ourselves more amazed by the powerful words of Jesus!

What is there to worry about? Food, shelter, clothing, the economy, politics, my health, my family, my friends, my job, my dog, the environment…the list is practically endless.

This week in our study of the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus tackles worry head-on and says that it isn’t what his disciples do. Join us as we unpack his words from Matthew 6:25-34 and as we listen to Jesus tell us what to seek first!

Fasting and feasting only differ by one letter, but are worlds apart. This week’s show looks at the most-neglected spiritual discipline: fasting. Join us as we discuss the sermon on the Mount in Matthew 6:16-24.

Remember, you can find us on the iTunes store FREE or on the air in Dickson, Burns, White Bluff, or Charlotte, TN at 1260AM. New shows each Sunday at 4!

Prayer. While thousands of pages have been written about it, Jesus preferred to offer a simple example with a few warnings. Join us in this week’s study of the Sermon on the Mount as we look at what Jesus taught about praying in Matthew 6:5-15.

Short version: keep it simple, and make sure you remember what you’re doing. When we pray, we’re praying to the Father, not playing to the crowd.

Get ready to be challenged by the words of Jesus as we continue our discussion on the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 5:13-32.

Jesus talks about the nature of discipleship, his purpose in relation to the law, and the heart of the matter.  We discuss what it means to be salt and light and the permanence of God’s plan. Plus, we’ll step on all of our toes as we talk about anger and more!

Most people can name many of the miracles of Jesus, but very few people can name any of his sermons! We’re going to spend the next several episodes discussing Jesus as a preacher. What was his message? Who did he talk to? What did he have to say? How was his preaching different than (or the same as) ours?

The Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 5-7 is one of the most significant passages of scripture. Lesson 22 will probably take us about 8 weeks to work through on the show…so join us for the ride!

This week we begin our study by looking at his preaching and the beatitudes in particular. Want to study ahead? Read Matthew 5-7!