The management of Dickson’s WDKN 1260AM created the Interfaith Roundtable when they re-launched the station. They’ve been kind enough to provide this time slot for local ministers to get together, discuss scripture, and talk about what’s happening in the community. They provide this slot free of charge to benefit the church at large and the listeners in Dickson.
The roundtable is not a forum for ministers to debate contended points of doctrine. It isn’t the place for politics or fighting.
It is designed to be a place where local ministers come together to talk about scripture. Too often, we talk about each other instead of with each other. We want to lift the Word high for everyone in our community to hear. We want to model Bible study for our listeners to follow. We want to demonstrate productive and kind dialogue in that study.
Any local minister is invited to participate. For information, please ask for Richie G at the station.
The show airs every Sunday at 4pm on both WDKN 1260AM and 101.5 the One FM. If you’re out of the listening area, you can listen live online at or catch the podcast here.