The sixth of seven signs in John is the famous healing of a man who was born blind. The Jewish religious leaders can’t handle the idea that Jesus healed on the Sabbath, so they scramble to discredit the story in any way they can. At the end of the day, the man’s testimony could stand: “One thing I know, I was blind, but now I see!”

Join us as we discuss the healing of the blind man from John 9!

Next week’s show comes from John 11:1-57, the raising of Lazarus.

Jesus makes a statement with his first two miracles: he shows up at a wedding that’s out of wine and heals the child of an enemy collaborator. Jesus doesn’t do what we expect him to!

This week, the gang’s all back! Join Richie G, Richard, Howard, and Matthew as we discuss the healing of an official’s son in John 4:46-54.

Quick programming note: there’s some background noise in this episode. Forgive us! We didn’t plan to record at the same time as the lawn mower!

Get ready for next week’s show: the healing at Bethesda Pool. Read John 5:1-47!